Renaissance Revival Astronomical Clock, Germany, late 19th century, with complex brass dial, the outer ring with signs of the zodiac, inner ring with dual XII hour calibrations, alarm disc, subsidiary dials for day of the week, lunar calendar, twenty-four hour and twelve hour dials, dial ht. 14 1/4, wd. 11 1/2 in., the weight-powered posted-frame, quarter-striking movement with dual count-wheels and bells, crown-wheel and verge escapement signed on the rear plate, Johann Hees A Nvrnberg, Anno 1702 , and walnut hood with barleytwist columns, pagoda top and four glazed doors, ht. 26 in., (movement in rusted non-working condition; lacking lower case section). movement is in rusted condition although appears to be complete, no weights or pendulum bob, hood section has missing moldings and finial, glass missing
