Group of Miscellaneous Collectible, Desk, and Other Items, three Danbury, Connecticut WWI service and fraternal medals, wick scissors, a Charratt & Newth glass cutter, Art Deco cast metal inkwell, covered dresser jar, folding eyeglasses, mother-of-pearl opera glasses, Enver travel clock in a green leather case, silver plated pillbox, penknife, and hunt scene match case, Sunderland/Society of Mayflower Descendants medal, American Institute of Architects 1933 presentation "Small House Design" bronze The Home plaque after Gutzon Borglum, 1931, in a case, a 19th century Hazebroucq, Paris, cased travel compass, barometer, thermometer set, "fountainbrush" pen, F. A.O. Schwarz puzzlegram, etc.
