Forty-three Stereoview Cards, a Joseph L. Bates, Boston, Mahogany Partial Stereoscope, and a Keystone Stereoscope, views include three Anthony & Co. War Views after Brady, Evacuation of Port Royal , The water battery or battery Abbot, near Ft. Brady , and Capt. Perkin's Sesesh Horse, Captured at Cornwallis Cave , C.H Rogers, Plymouth, Mass. Harbor View , and Kilburn, The Mayflower from Model in Pilgrim Hall , two 1880 C.H. Colby, Moultonboro, New Hampshire residence views, eight Kilburn, New Hampshire, New York, Niagara, and Silver Plume, Colorado, railroad views, three J.B. Gregory, New Brunswick views, four N.W. Pease, New Hampshire, views, a Bierstadt, Mt. Washington view, a Soule, Mt. Washington view, an American political banquet room, home and church views, six foreign views, twelve Keystone depth views, and seven microscopic science views.
