Federal Inlaid Mahogany Shelf Clock by Elnathan Taber, Roxbury, Massachusetts, c. 1800, with dart inlay flanking the glazed dial door, brass beaded dial mat framing the painted iron 'kidney' dial with Roman numerals and marked E. Taber enclosed within a floral background, barber pole and banded inlay with canted corners on the lower case, two stage base molding and ogee bracket feet, eight-day timepiece movement with lead weight and pendulum, (imperfections), ht. 29 1/4 in. Painted dial relined, minor losses to inlay, replacement finials, old, possibly original glass in the door, hood "runners" replaced, original feet, pendulum and lead weight, roof board on hood appears to be a quality replacement, unknown if fret or plinth were present. Unusual use of poplar as a secondary wood in the construction, ''stacking'' of glue blocks in the base to support ogee feet and the banded inlay with canted corners in the base, suggest Stephen Badlam as the cabinetmaker. Documented Badlam tall clock cases show similar treatments on construction.
