Five Framed Nautical Paper Items, America, 19th century, including a woodcut titled "The New Light-Ship For Minot's Ledge," an 1841 safe passage document for the Barque Endeavour signed by President John Tyler, an 1835 ship registration document for the brig "Billow" of Boston, an 1846 ship registration document for the sloop "Vineyard" of Mystic, Connecticut, an 1832 document listing the master and seamen and their wages on the barque "Broosa" of Boston, bound from Baltimore to New Orleans and Europe, sizes ranging from 6 3/4 x 11 1/8-22 3/4 x 17 1/2 in. All items not examined out of frames. Light-ship woodcut- toning, 6 3/4 x 11 1/8, in a molded giltwood frame; safe passage document- creases, toning, fading, in a molded birdseye maple frame 15 x 11 in. ; ship Billow registration-toning, creases, in a molded giltwood frame, approx. 16 x 11 in. in a molded mahogany frame; ship Broosa roster- creases, toning, small loss u.r., 22 3/4- 17 1/2 in., in a later molded wood frame.
