Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), On The Origin Of Species By Means of Natural Selection , London: John Murray, 1859, first edition, first issue, original gilt lettered and stamped green pebbled cloth in Freeman variant b, having folding plate facing page 117, with the two quotations from Whewell and Bacon on the verso of the half-title, misspelling "speceies" on page 20, line 11, the "whale-bear" story in its entirety on page 184, and thirty-two pages of inserted ads dated June, 1859 at the rear of the book conforming to Freeman's third variant, 8vo, (cover rubbed to upper section, corners bumped, head and foot of spine rubbed, inner hinges weak, half title with owner's inscription). Freeman 373; Ptg & Mind of Man 344(b); Grolier/Horblit 23b. Provenance: Dr. Francis D. Moore, Sr., Brookline, Massachusetts.
