(Arctic Explorers and Aviators), Five articles; Hayes, Isaac I. (1832-1881), autograph letter signed, July 14th, 1867, three pages, recipient unknown, concerning corrections for proofs of maps designed for publication in The Open Polar Sea , 1867; autograph note signed, [undated], one page, to the Woods Hole [Massachusetts] telegraph operator, forwarding the enclosed, etc.; McClintock, Francis Leopold (1819-1907), autograph letter signed, March 16th, [18] 77, three pages, to Mr. Cooke, concerning an invitation to view paintings by Captain May and referring to the Academy and the Ship Pandora; and Eckener, Dr. Hugo (1868-1954), signed letter, October 24th, 1932, one page, to Edward Warner, inviting him for a visit, with a later stamped and signed envelope, 1953; (good).
