Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963), Archive of material related to Arthur Krock of the New York Times and William E. Dugan, first, a signed letter, July 31, 1957, one page, as Senator, discussing his stances and that of his father, Joseph Kennedy, in replying to an article written by a New York Times correspondent, "...I do not 'enjoy' taking 'unpopular' stands as much as my father did.... Politicians are a slow to seek out unpopular causes as financiers like my father to seek out unprofitable investments", and concerning his father's influence, "his influence is substantial; but he has never tried to extend it to the political or policy fields"; second, four letters between Krock and Dugan, concerning the Kennedys, and a signed letter from Bishop Fulton Sheen, February 9, 1953, one page, a letter of thanks, (all good).
