Group of Men's and Lady's Travel Accessories, early to mid-20th century, including a Dunhill bird's-eye maple cigarette case, a Sanborns retailed Mexican sterling silver overlay perfume and funnel, a Continental-style repousse silver pillbox, (probably Chinese export), a Georg Jensen USA retailed sterling silver compact, a sterling silver Ronson lighter, a cased ivorine-handled folding fork and knife set, a cased sterling silver mounted comb and nail file set, a cased C. Roberson & Co., Ltd., London, traveling watercolor set, a cased J. A. Henckels manicure set, an enameled contact lens case, two cased Auvergne perfume bottles, a Christian Dior lingerie bag and a silk wallet/purse, a large Volupte makeup compact, a silver dice safe fob, a set of amber die, a Limoges enamel covered box, etc.; together with a small quantity of men's and lady's jewelry, including a platinum and pearl hat pin, a gold and pearl stickpin, a William Spratling tie tack, (broken), a reverse-painted crystal intaglio fly fishing tie tack, etc.
