Engraved Whale's Tooth, 20th century, one side of the tooth engraved with a whaling scene titled South Sea Fishery below, showing a British whale ship engaged in hoisting the "blanket piece" of whale blubber while two small boat crews nearby are attacking a spouting and diving whale, one dead whale marked with a "waif" flag, the scene heightened with red simulating blood from the stricken whales; the reverse side depicting a scene titled Homeward Bound with a whale ship and a steam vessel in a sheltered bay with shoreline in the foreground and distant mountains; a sperm whale portrayed at the top of the tooth, lg. 7 1/2, wd. 2 1/2 in. probably 20th century, lg. 7 1/2, wd. 2 1/2 in., weight 1 lb. 5.6 oz.
