Group of Mostly 18th and 19th Century Leather Bound Titles, including Little Jane, a Memoir , 1830; Young Lady's Own Book , 1832; Emily Dickinson, Friend and Neighbor , 1930; Friendship in Death , Elizabeth Rowe, 1805; Poetical Works of Dr. William King , 1781; The Visitor , 1829; Beauties of the British Classics , 1826; The New Testament , 1824; The Crescent Moon , Rabindranath Tagone, 1916; Lalla Rookh , Thomas Moore, 1842; Bible Dictionary , Howard Malcom, 1830; Works of Alexander Pope , 1789, vol. 1 and 6; Royal Dictionary , A. Boyer, 1738; New Cavalry Tactics , George Cooke,1883; Goldsmith's Roman History , 1806; Course of Time, Robert Pollok, 1831; Scribner's Ready Reckoner and Log Book , 1868; Life and Voyage of Christopher Columbus , Washington Irving, 1829; and a set of three Luther Burbank, His Methods and Discoveries , vol. 1-3, 1914, Luther Burbank Press; Peterson's Magazine , 1865; Illustrated Magazine , 1846; Lectures on Botany , Almira H. Lincoln, 1836; Flowers for the Parlor and Garden , E.S. Rand Jr., 1882; Beautiful Ferns , Daniel Cady Eaton, 1887; The Butterfly Hunters , Helen S. Conant, 1868; Gamesters , Caroline M. Warren, 1828; Fables for the Ladies , Edward Moore; The Lady's Pocket Library ; Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Robinson , vol I and II, 1802; The Female Mentor , 1802; bound Peterson's , 1860; bound Godey's Lady's Book , two 1850 and 1864.
