Twenty-five 18th and 19th Century Titles, mostly leather bound, including subjects related to travel, classics, business, etc. , Dwight's Travels , vol.I-IV; Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century , Samuel Miller, 1803; Peruvian Tales , 1817; Universal Traveler , Charles Goodrich, 1836; The Pilgrim's Progress , John Bunyan, 1825; Caesaris Commentarii ; Practical Navigator , Nathaniel Bowditch, 1821; Telemachus , vol. I and II, 1795; Travels , Mordecai M. Noah, 1819; Journal of Travels , 1812; View of Society and Manners in Italy, France, Switzerland and Germany , John Moore, two vols.; The Code of Agriculture , Sir John Sinclair, 1818; Fables Choisies , L. Chambaud, 1823; System of Natural Philosophy , 1835; The Elements of Logick , William Duncan, 1776; Book-Keeping Modernised , John Mair; Elements of Criticism , vol. I and II, 1796; and a 1744 German prayer book.
