Academy Painted Slide-lid Pencil Box, attributed to Roxana Stratton Washburn, (b. July 2, 1808), Vernon, Vermont, c. 1825, rectangular box with sliding lid and compartmented interior, polychrome watercolor and ink decorated lid and sides, the lid painted with a scene of a house beside a river with two rowboats, the sides decorated with flower-filled cornucopia, a basket of fruit, and seashells, one side fancifully inscribed "R.S. Washburn.," ht. 2 1/8, wd. 6, lg. 10 in., accompanying the box are two typewritten notes with information by a descendant of the painter of the box, and a c. 1935 photo of the house, and genealogical information about the Washburn family. Note: Roxana Stratton Washburn (b. July 2, 1808, was the second of six children born to Dr. Cyrus Washburn (b. November 5, 1774, at Hardwick, Massachusetts, d. Jan 22, 1860) and his second wife, Rhoda Field (1785-1826). According to family tradition recorded by Shirley Walker, great-great granddaughter of Cyrus and Rhoda Washburn, Dr. Washburn came to Vernon, Vermont, "as a young doctor and built a log house near the 'never-failing' spring which has served the property ever since. In 1826 he built the sturdy frame dwelling still existing - named 'Twinhearts' because of two intertwined hearts carved on one door. He and Rhoda were singularly devoted to each other. Except for its height, the pencil box drawing is a good representation of Twinhearts. Perhaps it was a 'dream' picture (done before the house was Read more…
