Group of Four Dolls and Clothing, mid to late 19th century china shoulder head doll with black painted hair, cloth body, china hands and feet (left leg repaired), brown taffeta outfit, calico skirt and apron, ht. 12; bisque head with stationary brown glass eyes, open mouth impressed Limbach O mark (wig missing), five piece composition body, molded white painted stockings, five-strap brown shoes (paint worn, repaint on one leg, right hand missing), ht. 10; bisque shoulder head with molded blonde hair, painted features (shoulders extensively damaged), kid body and arms, cloth legs, bisque hands (damage on body and limbs), ht. 21; Japanese Festival Girl water carrier (damage), ht. 7 1/2 in.; small lot of clothes to fit largest doll includes dresses, jacket, undergarments etc.
