Art Deco Reference Material Three volumes Annuaire des Arts Decoratif & Industriels Moderne Promotional book for the 1925 Paris Exposition, Direction Generale et Administration, Paris, 1924 160 pp (missing pages 33 & 34); Exposition Francaise d'Art Decoratif Une Etude sur les Arts Appliques et Industries d'Art au Expositions, Copenhague 1909 Paris, 1912, Rapport General, Comite Francais des Expositions a l'Etranger,includes Sandoz, G.Roger et Guiffrey preliminary documentation for organising the Paris 1925 Arts Decoratifs exhibition, cclxxii, 186 pp, 24 plates; International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Art, Paris Report of Commission appointed by the Secretary of Commerce, Washington DC, 1926, Ex-library copy, 103 pp.
