Two Needlework Samplers and a Needlepoint Picture of a House, America, 19th century, one sampler with silk threads on a linen ground with rows of alphabets above signature rows reading: "Catherine Forney aged nine years," followed by a flower sprig, (fading, toning), 7 x 7 3/4 in. , framed; the other sampler with silk and wool threads on a linen ground with rows of alphabets above a house flanked by trees, hearts and dogs, wrought by Hanna W. Slater, (fading. losses), 7 1/2 x 9 3/4 in., framed; together with a wool needlepoint picture of a Federal house flanked by birds, hearts, flowers, and dogs and the initials "SL" stitched to a white cotton border, 5 1/4 x 7 in., framed.
