International Silver Co. Sterling "Trousseau" Pattern Flatware Service for Twelve, comprising: twenty-four teaspoons; twelve: dinner forks (lg. 7 3/4), dinner knives with stainless blades (lg. 9 1/2), luncheon forks (lg. 7 1/4), luncheon knives with stainless blades (lg. 8 5/8), salad forks (lg. 6 3/8), seafood forks, iced tea spoons, cream soup spoons, demitasse spoons, place spoons, flat butter spreaders; two master butter knives; sugar tongs, serving fork, sauce ladle, pickle fork, cake server, pie server, sugar spoon, carving fork, and carving knife, monogrammed, in fitted mahogany case, (167 pieces total), approx. 160 troy oz. weighable silver.
