Model of the Survey Yacht Carnegie and Related Articles, America, early 20th century, complete with lifeboats, rigging, and gear, the hull painted white with gold below the waterline, supported on a wooden stand, together with a photograph of the original vessel in 1912, a photocopy of the yacht at launch in 1909, a reprint of the article "First Cruise of the Non-Magnetic Survey Yacht Carnegie" from The Nautical Gazette March 24, 1910, a reprint of the article "Sailing the Magnetic Fields" from Surveyor Magazine November, 1982, printed statistics of "Ye Good Ship Carnegie," and a printed map of the world magnetic and electric survey based on information from the Carnegie, model ht. 50 1/2, wd. 22, lg. 67 in. Note: Before the use of the gyro compass, the earth's magnetic field caused major navigational errors. From 1909 to 1929 the seagoing observatory Carnegie set out to conduct international surveys of magnetic, electric, and oceanographic activity on land and water to locate and finely measure the then unknown magnetic influences. The Carnegie Institution in Washington D.C. built the ship designed by Henry J. Gielow, a New York naval architect. It was designed to be built from special nonmagnetic materials, from the timbers, metal bolts, and cables, down to the stove and eating utensils, so that they wouldn't affect the magnetometers.
