Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813), Signer from Pennsylvania, Autograph Letter Signed, September 21st, 1811, one page, recipient unnamed , requesting that John Quincy Adams thank Czar Alexander I for a presentation ring given to Rush in recognition of his medical writings, (very minor tone spot upper right, else very good). Text in full: Dear Sir / I do myself the honor to enclose to you a letter to Mr. John Q. Adams acknowledging the receipt of a valuable ring which his imperial majesty the Empr. of Russian has been pleased to present to me. Should Mr. Adams have left the Court of Petersburg, I beg you would communicate the letter to his excellency Count Rumendorf minister of state, in order that he convey my humble & respectful thanks to his majesty for the great and unmerited honor he has done to my publications / From dr. sir with / great respect your sincere / old friend.
