Kellar, Harry (Heinrich Keller). Kellar. Levitation. Cincinnati: Strobridge Litho, ca. 1905. Color lithograph poster depicts Kellar’s most famous feat, the levitation of an assistant, against a Moorish backdrop. 19 1/2 x 28". Borders restored, minor over-coloring in image. B+. Rare. While Kellar is closely associated with the Levitation illusion, he was not the originator of the effect. In fact, he coaxed Paul Valadon away from London’s famed Egyptian Hall – “England’s Home of Mystery” – in order to learn the secret behind the feat, which Maskelyne invented and performed under the title of The Entranced Fakir. Kellar improved the feat and did something Maskelyne could not – toured with the apparatus for years as he crisscrossed America with his magic show. Valadon was part of the program and was promised he would succeed Kellar, but it was Howard Thurston, not Valadon, who ended up taking over Kellar’s title as America’s best-known illusionist.

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