GUN VALUES,AMERICAN CLOCKS, 16-18TH-CENTURY TAPESTRY, 1-BOX LOT OF (17 +) ART BOOKS,ETC:Hard bound Book 'Old Derby Porcelain' By Frank Hurlbutt, (1). S. Bound. Blue Book Gun Values, (1). Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces & Courts By Juliet James, Grand Rapids Art assoc. 1915, (1). Men of 'Stone Age' By Henry Fairfield Osborn, 1916, (1). Warman's Americana Fun-Stuff, (1). Tapestry Earliest Times - End of the 18th Century, By Eugene Muntz, Pub Cassell 1885, L. J. Davis, (1) French Empire Style 70-full color pages, Furniture Room Settings, Clocks, Chandelier, Statues, (1). Nouveau Petit Larousse, (1). 'Homes of Our Ancestors' By Halsey &Tower, (1); 20th Century Art, (1); Ancient Civilizations of Mexico, By Herbert J.Spinden,1946, Pub American Museum of National History, (1); 'Short History of Art', By Julia B. De Forest, illustrated with foldout, Pub, Dodd, Mead, 1881(1). 'Antique Paneled Rooms' Vol. II, By Charles L. Roberson, Pub. Waterlow, Knights Bridge Hall, (1); 'Jade Stone of Heaven', By Richard Gump, 1962,(1); Paris Que I'alme. Pub 'Sun' France, (1). 'Engravings & Etchings From The 15th.Century To 1914' By A. M. Hind, Pub Constable, London; 'Franz Hals Masterpieces in Colour', By Edgecombe Staley, Pub. T. C. & E. C. Jack, Great Britain, (1). 'Great Palaces' By Sacheverell Sitwell, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, Italy, 1969, (1). First Edition; 1968 'JADE' By Noriyuki Sakikawa, Japan Publications, Inc., Tokyo, {Nippon}, (1). 'Potter's Han Read more…

Dumouchelle Art Galleries