CHILDREN'S BOOKS BY PERRAULT, WESSELLS, ALLERT, WARNER, BRINDZE, HULTGREN, WATTERS, ETC 1877- 1 BOX LOT OF (21 +) HARD BOUND BOOKS:'Go Dog Go' By P. D. Eastman (1). 'Put Me In The Zoo', By R. Lopshire (1). 'Aesop's Fables' (1). 'Inside Outside Upside Down' By Stan and Jan Bernstein (1). 'The Golden Songbook' (1). 'Story Song Book' By H. Y. Warner & F. P. Ross (1). 'French Fairy Tales' By Gustave Dor'e (1). 'Do - It Book' By Mc Call's Golden (1). 'Gulf Stream' By Ruth Brindze (1). 'Favorite' c.1877 (1). 'Picture Dictionary for Children' By G. Watters & S. A. Courtis (1). '3-Little Pigs & Ridinghood' (1). 'Children's Drawings and Poems, From Terezin (1). 'The Kingdom of the Sea' By Loberg (1). '1066 And ALL That' By W. C. Sellar & R. J. Yeatman, Illustrated by John Reynolds, Pub, Dutton (1) 'Andersen's Fairy Tales' By Henry Altemus, Pub; Henry Altemus, Phil,1898 (1). 'Coquerico' (1). 'Jack London's Stories for Boys' By Jack London, illustrated by C. Richard Schaare, 1936,(1). 'The Mystery of Batty Ridge' By Alan Gregg, 1946,(1). 'The Rainbow Riddle' By M. Sutton,(1). 'Thief Island' By Elizabeth Coatsworth, Illustrated By J. Wonsetler 1943 Pub; MacMillan,(1). 'High Water' By Richard Bissell, Pub; Atlantic Press, (1). 'Every Boys Book' By H. Strang (1). For a high resolution photo

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