HARD BOUND BOOKS, BY WRAXALL, SMOLLETT, HUGHES, ETC. LEATHER BOARDS, 19TH C., 18 PCS.:"Posthumous Memoirs Of My Own Life", Vol. I, II, III, by Sir N.W. Wraxall, Pub Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, London, 1836; "Historical Memoirs Of My Own Time", Vol I, II, III IV, By Sir N.W. Wraxall, Pub. Richard Bentley, 1836; "The History Of England From The Revolution To The Death Of George The Second", Vol. I, II, III, IV, by T. Smollett MD. A New Edition, Pub. Longman, Brown, Green, etal., London, 1848; "History Of England The Accession Of Queen Victoria", Vol. I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII, By Rev. T. S. Hughes, B.D., Pub. George Bell, London. All leather bound with gilt trim. 18 pcs. total. For a high resolution photo

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