ROSE FYLEMAN, MARJORIE HARDY, LUMMIS & SHAWE, ETC CHILDREN'S BOOKS, 1924 - 1936, LOT OF 10:Including 1 Rose Fyleman, "The Doll's House", illustrated by Erick Berry, Doubleday Doran 1931; 1 Marjorie Hardy, "Surprise Stories", illustrated by Lucille Enders & Matilda Breuer, Wheeler pub. 1929; 1 William Elson & Lura Runkel, "The Elson Readers Primer", Scott Foresman pub. 1930; 1 Marjorie Hardy, "Wag and Puff", illustrated by Lucille Enders & Matilda Breuer, Wheeler pub. 1929, with children's pencil scribbling; 1 Lummis & Shawe, "Health Readers Book 1: The Safety Hill of Health", illustrated by Unis Stephenson, pub. 1927; 1 Baker & Baker, "Bob's Merrill Second Reader", illustrated by Vera Stone, Bob's - Merrill pub. 1924; 1 Arthur Gates & Miriam Huber, "The Work-Play book: Make & Make Believe", illustrated by George Richards, McMillan Co. 1932; 1 Margery Clark, "The Poppy Seed Cakes", illustrated by Maud & Miska Petersham, Doubleday Doran 1936; 1 Padraic Colum, "The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy", illustrated by Willy Pogany, McMillan Co. 1933; and 1 Jennie Hall, "Viking Tales", illustrated by Victor Lambdin, Rand McNally, Chicago, 1931. Ex. Estate Phoebe Otter Matthews, Abbey Rd., Birmingham, MI

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