RACHEL FIELD, LOUIS PLEASANTON, LOIS LENSKI, RUTH SAWYER, ETC. ASSORTED CHILDREN'S BOOKS, 10:1911-1941, including 1 Cornelia Meigs, "Invinsable Louisa", Little Brown Co., Boston 1934; 1 C. Collodi, "Pinocchio", illustrated by Maria Kirk, Lippincott 1914; 1 Rachel Field, "Hapatica Hawks", illustrated by Allen Lewis, McMillan Co. 1932; 1 P.L. Travers, "I Go By Sea, I Go By Land", illustrated by Gertrud Hermes, 1st. Ed., Harper Bros. 1941, paper dust jacket; 1 Louis Pleasanton, "Fairyland of Opera", illustrated by Hattie Price, Penn Co. 1923; 1 "Ameliaranne at the Farm", illustrated by P.B. Pearse, Pub. David McKay, Philadelphia; 1 Elizabeth Emmett, "Secrete in a Snuff Box", illustrated by Lidia Parmellee, McMillan Co. 1941, moderately worn dust jacket; 1 Lois Lenski, "Blueberry Corners", Fredrick Stokes Co. N.Y. 1940, Moderately worn dust jacket; 1 Ruth Sawyer, "Roller Skates", illustrated by Valleni de Angello, 1st ed., Pub. 1936, with slightly worn and torn paper dust wrapper; and 1 "The Golden Spears" and Other Fairy Tales by Edmund Leamy, illustrated by Corinne Turner, Desmond Fitzgerald Co. 1911. Ex. Estate Phoebe Otter Matthews, Abbey Rd., Birmingham, MI

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