RUSSIAN FOLK ART AND LACQUER BOX, REFERENCE BOOKS, LATE 20TH C, 5 PCS,:Russian Lacquer box, hard bound reference books, including: "Masterpieces of Russian Folk Art Lacquer Miniatures Kholui" Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, by A. Kamorin. Pub. Interbook Business, Moscow 2001, with jacket. "Russian Lacquer, Legends and Fairy Tales Volume II" by Lucy Maxym, Siamese Imports Co. Inc. Printed in United States of America, with jacket. Both books in English text. "Novgorodian Icon - Painting" by V.N. Lazarev Edition Iskusstvo Moscow 1969, Translated by L. N. Feonov. Russian/English text, hard bound with jacket. Plus two hard cover Russian folk art lacquer box reference books in total Russian text. One with jacket is titled Mstera Russian Lacquer Miniatures, Pub. Interbook Business, 2001. Second book without jacket, paraphrased translated description: "Poems Of Ivan Bazov that Influenced Miniature Lacquer painted boxes". 100 Anniversary, Published Sofey Bulgaria. For a high resolution photo

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