RUSSIAN HAND PAINTED, HINGED BOXES, C2000, 2 PCS. , H 1 1/2" & 2", W 5" & 9", D 4" & 6 1/2":Two signed Icon painting style Russian hand painted hinged boxes. The larger box painted by Natalia Vladimirovna Vanyashov (b.1965), depicting Olga the first ruler of Russia to be baptized into Orthodoxy, 1 1/2" H. x 9" W. x 6 1/2" D. Second box by Alexander Morozov (b.1942), from the tale "Vasilias the Beautiful", 2" H. x 5" W. x 4" D. Boxes made from Paper-mache, with egg-tempera and gold paint, and lacquer. Red lacquer interiors. Both signed. For a high resolution photo

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