WALTER DURFEE WORKS AND CHIMES, TALL CASE CLOCK CIRCA 1894 H 10'5":Walter Durfee works and chimes. Carved oak case. "Time and Tide Waits for no man" carved in pediment. Nine tubes, three brass weights. Mercury pendulum. Engraved brass dial. Chimes or Chime on Eight bells. Revolving moon phase dial. Retailed by Wright Kay Detroit. Depth 15 3/4". Width 27". Carved door panel with cornucopia of fruit, flowers, hour glass etc. Carved swags and flowers carved in relief about dial. Presented to Mr and Mrs Oren Scotten on the occasion of their wedding in 1894. Durfee, of Providence, R.I., was most prominent clock maker in America at end of 19th.c. For a high resolution photo

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