DONNA HOWELL SICKLES (US 20TH C. ), MODERN OIL ON CANVAS, 3/1992, 60" X 67", "FINAL CURTAIN CALL":Signed and dated lower right; also signed, dated and titled on verso; original frame. From www.galleryone.com: "Donna Howell-Sickles was the featured artist at the 1996 American Women Artists show at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. She is known for her bright images of spirited cowgirls. One such Howell-Sickles' cowgirl recently graced a cover of Southwest Art magazine. "Self-confident, independent, strong, joyful women are the central characters of Howell-Sickles' art, and an inspiration for the state of women today. While these women are presented within the context of our own western American myth, they also embody universal icons, symbols, and legends of women from any era. Howell-Sickles celebrates women and their connection to the world through the power of myth, the strength of friendship, the joy of living, and the energy of universal storytelling."

Dumouchelle Art Galleries