ASSORTED CIVIL WAR BOOKS, 1868 - 1966, LOT OF 16:Including Allen Pinkerton, "The Spy of the Rebellion", Chicago, 1887; 1 Luther S. Throwbridge, "Michigan at Gettysburg", Detroit, 1889; 1 No author, "Small Arms Used By Michigan Troops In the Civil War", pb. 1966; 1 Samuel S. Boggs, "Eighteen Months a Prisoner Under the Rebel Flag", Lovington, 1887, 1st ed.; 1Bell Irwin Wiley, "They Who Fought Hert", N.Y. 1958; 1 A.F. Hill, "John Smith's Funny Adventures on a Crutch", Phila., 1869; 1 William Glazier, "3 Years in the Federal Cavalry", N.Y. 1870; 1 No Author, "Pennsylvania at Antietam", 1906; 1 Louisa Sigaud, "Belle Boyd Confederate Spy", 1945; 1 Edward P. Smith, "Incidents Among Shot and Shell", 1868; 1 Maj-Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, "The Battle of Atlanta", 1910; 1 Henry C. Work, "Marching Through Georgia", Boston, 1889; 1 No author, "Exercise Connected With the Unveiling of the Ellsworth Monument", 1875; 1 Wm. G. Stevenson, "13 Months In the Rebel Army", N.Y. 1st. Ed.; 1 J.B. Hood, "Advance and Retreat Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies", New Orleans, 1880, missing lower spine; and 1 George F. Dawson, "Life and Service of General John A. Logan as Soldier and Statesman", Chicago, 1887.
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