BOOKS OF NUMISMATIC INTEREST, 12:John S. Davenport, "European Crowns Since 1800"; J. Hewitt Judd, "U.S. Pattern, Experimental and Trial Pieces; Stuart E. Brown, "Scrip, Trade Tokens Issued by U.S. Coal Mining Co. & Co. Stores" 1978; Terry N. Trawton, "Catalogue of Lumber Co. Store Tokens" 1978; Hibbler & Kappen, "So Called Dollars" N.Y. 1963; Howard R. Newcomb, "United States Copper Cents 1816-1857" N.Y. 1956; W.C. Prime, "Coins, Medals and Seals, Ancient & Modern" N.Y. 1864; W.S. Baker, "Medallic Portraits of Washington" Philadelphia 1885; Kenneth & Kirk Smith, "Catalogue of World Ferry Ship and Canal Transportation Takens & Passes" 1980; R.W. Julian & N.N. Harris, "Medals of the United States Mint: The First Century 1792-1892", El Cajon 1977; Ivan C. Michels, "The Current Gold and Silver Coins of All Nations" Philadelphia, 5th edition, 1884; Dr. William H. Sheldon, "Penny Whimsy" New York 1958 in D.W.;

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