BOOKS ON THE CIVIL WAR 25:Includes E. P. Alexander,"Military Memoirs of a Confederate", N.Y. 1907, Charles Scribner & Sons; Ulysses S. Grant, "The Personal Memoirs of U.S.Grant", 2 vols. N.Y. 1882; John W. Hanson, "Historical Sketch of the Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers During its 3 Campaigns", Boston, 1866; Henry Coppee, "Grant and his Campaigns: A Military Biography", N.Y. 1866; Philip H. Sheridan, "Personal Memoirs of Philip H. Sheridan", 2 vols. N.Y. 1892; George W. Nichols, "The Story of the Grant March: From the Diary of a Staff Officer, N.Y. 1865; Hunter McGuire & George Christian, "The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the War Between the States", 1907; Charles C. Coffin, "Freedom Triumphant", N.Y. 1891; Joseph Hergesheimer, "Sheridan: A Military Narrative", autographed, Boston, 1931; F.V. Greene, "The Mississippi", 1882; M.F. Force, "From Fort Henry to Corinth", 1881; Daniel Ammen, "The Atlantic Coast", 1883; A.T. Mahan, "The Gulf and Inland Waters", 1883; John G. Nicholay, "The Outbreak of Rebellion", 1881; George H. Morgan, "Annals of Harrisburg", revised and enlarged, 1906; Robert Fleming, "The Elementary Spelling Book Revised and Adapted to the Youth of the Southern Confederacy", Atlanta, 1863; Shelby Foote, "The Civil War, a Narrative: Fort Sumter to Perryville" D.W.; Shelby Foote, "The Civil War, a Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian, D.W.; Shelby Foote, "The Civil War, a Narrative: Red River to Appomattox" D.W.; Read more…

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