'THE ILIAD OF HOMER', 'THE AENEID OF VIRGIL', 'FAUST: A TRAGEDY' & OTHER BOOKS, 20 VOL. SET:The 20 volume set in full leather and gilt-decorated covers, #350 of 600 copies of the "Large Paper Edition", T.E.G. All published by The Riverside Press, H.O. Houghton MFG. CO. Including, 'The Iliad of Homer', Vol. I - IV; 'The Amended of Virgil', Vol. I - II; Goethe, 'Faust: A Tragedy', Vol. I - IV, copy right 1906; Dante Alighieri, 'The Divine Comedy', Vol. I - VI; 'The Odyssey of Homer', Vol. I - IV, Copy right 1905.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries