ASSORTED MEDICAL BOOKS & PAMPHLETS, INCLUDING HOMEOPATHY, LATE 19TH-EARLY 20TH C. , TEN:Including C.M. Boger, "Times of Remedies"; C.M. Boger, "General Analysis", 3rd ed, 1926; John Ellis, M.D., "Personal Experiences of a Physician", 1892; Lewis P. Crutcher, M.D., "A Protest", 1910; A. and D.T. Pulford, M.D., "Homeopathic Leaders in Pneumonia", 1928; no author "Homeopathy: A Pamphlet for the People", 1925; no author, "Standard Prescriptions in Tablet Form"; Samuel Hahnemann, "Organon of the Art of Healing Restated", 1925; Eugene Underhill, M.D., "Antitoxin; Toxin-Antitoxin-The Schick Test"; Henry R. Harrower, M.D., "Practical Organotherapy: The internal secretions in general practice", 1922.

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