HEREND 'ROTHSCHILD BIRD' PORCELAIN TEAPOTS, CUPS, SAUCERS, BUTTER PLATES & OTHERS, 51 PIECES:Having 1 large tea pot H 5", 1 small tea pot H 4 1/4", 6 tea cups and 6 saucers, 6 cream soups and 7 underplates Dia 6", 3 flat coasters, 2 round nut dishes, 1 warming dome, 6 demi tasse cups, 4 demi tasse saucers,1 small open sugar, 1 small creamer, 3 sauce dishes with handles L 4", W 3", 1 flower table decoration 3" x 3",and 1 spoon. All having bird, floral and insect motifs.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries