US SCOTT #1092 ROCKET RESEARCH JULY1,1957 CANCEL TIES POSTAGE TO COVER FLOWN IN ROCKET #1, H 5", W 6:First Day Cover Flown in (Rocket-one), Test Rocket. Research Rocket Engineer/Scientist Tom Million. Not Signed. Scott # 1092 Rocket Research July 1, 1957 Cancellation ties Postage to Cover. Cover-envelope test flight Flown in Rocket #1. Size: 5" Height (opened flap) x 6 1/2" Width. Total Lot of (1) total. Mounted into a single Acrylic free standing Frame. Sent to Oscar and Ida Palmer, N.Y, N.Y. Sent From The Rocket Research Institute, Glendale, California. Director: G.S.T. #806. Rocket Flight from Douglas County, Nevada to Topaz, Mono County, California. Tests conducted by Rocket Research institute. " Education for the Future". Condition MS 67 Grade.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries