Durs Rudy Sr. (1766-1843) or Durs Rudy Jr. (1789-1850) Lehigh County, Pennsylvania , a magnificent watercolor and ink on paper metamorphosis consisting of 4 vibrantly illustrated sections, each with the cover scene folding out to a second scene, the last one signed "Durs Rudy 1832". The first section depicts Adam arriving in the world opening to Eve as the siren tempting Adam with the apple. The second section illustrates how the sin of Adam and Eve has led to the Savior on the cross (fold out) and in his grave. The third section illustrating that no matter how successful a man is he will still die (fold out), but should have no fear of death. The fourth section showing man in paradise folding out to the man in Jerusalem, the city of paradise. Each of these sections is boldly and intricately drawn and colored. 6 1/4" x 4". For a similar example see Esmerian American Radiance pages 246-249.

Pook & Pook