Pair of Chinese Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) style polychromed pottery figures on horseback, each depicting a male warrior in reddish orange vermilion and black robes on standing horse with arms in gesture recalling the shooting of a bow. Black horse with impressed character mark on rear back thigh near torso. Equestrian figures and equines with traces of polychrome throughout, one horse rendered in white the other in black with ornament throughout. Figural sculpture of white horse and rider, approximate height 12.125", width 4.25", depth 10.7". Figural sculpture of black horse and rider, approximate height 12.6", width 5.2", depth 11.4". Note: These horse and riders may be period Tang Dynasty works as they have a soft exterior and they absorb liquid quickly--typical of authentic pottery works.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery