HUMMEL FIGURINE GROUPING, FIVE, H 5" - 7 1/4":Including 1 marked "340 (copyright) Goebel W. Germany" entitled "Letter to Santa Claus", H 7 1/4"; 1 marked "184 Goebel W. Germany" entitled "Latest News", H 5"; 1 marked "317 (copyright) Goebel W. Germany 1935" entitled "Not for You!", H 5 1/2"; 1 marked "141I 45 Goebel W. Germany" entitled "Apple Tree Girl", H 5 3/4" and 1 marked "142 I Goebel V (with high bee) W. Germany 37" entitled "Apple Tree Boy", H 5 3/4". Two of the figures have boxes.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries