HUMMEL PLATE GROUPING, FIVE, DIA 7 1/2" - 8 1/4":Including 1 (# 274 "Umbrella Boy 1981" plate; 1 #275 "Umbrella Girl 1982" plate (each with boxes); 2 plates with Nativity scenes painted by Janet Robon marked "W. Goebel-Porzellan-Fabrik Hand Painted Janet Robon Commemorative Plate 1902-1974 Rodental-West Germany 52-506 (Copyright) Goebel V (bee) W. Germany 1974 Not to be used for food" and "W. Goebel-Porzellan-Fabrik Hand Painted Janet Robon 1974 Commemorative Plate Second Ed. Rodental-West Germany 52-525-01-1 (copyright) Goebel V (bee) W. Germany 1977", Dia. 7 1/2" and 1 plate from the M.I Hummel plate Collection with the image of the "Apple Tree Boy & Girl" on it, Dia. 8 1/4".

Dumouchelle Art Galleries