CHILDREN OF THE HOLOCAUST BY H. EPSTEIN, PUB. PUTNAM'S N.Y., 1979, +BOOKS BY OTHER AUTHORS, 11:Including (1) Children of the Holocaust, By H. Epstein, Pub, Putnam's, N.Y, 1979, ( H.B - W./Dust Jacket), H. 9" X 6" W.; Hitler's War, Vol. # 2, By D. Irving, Pub. Viking, N.Y, 1977, (H.B - W./Dust Jacket ), H. 8 1/2" X 6" W.; Der-Adler, By S.L. Mayer & M. Tokoi, Pub., T.Y. Crowell & B.B, NY, 1977-78, ( H.B), H. 12" X 9" W. ; Sieg-Heil!, By S.Lorant, Pub, W. W. Norton, NY, 1974, (H.B), H. 13" X 10" W.; Crock of Gold, By James Stephens, London, Pub., MacMillan, 1926, Twelve illustrations, (H.B), H. 9" X 6" W.; Ordbok, Svensk - Tysk, Av Otto Hoppe, (H.B), Swiss Book, With Dust Cover; Ordbok Af F. Schulthess, Svensk-Fransk, (H.B), Swiss (H.B.With Dust Cover), H. 8 1/2" X 5 1/2" W; Det For Jaettede Land, By Henrik- Pontoppidan, Swiss, (With D.C), Kobenhavn 1903,H.B.; Visor-Och-Ballander, By Dan Anderson, 1934, Stockholm, Pub, Tidens Forlag, (H.B), with Autographed Letter, Swiss, H. 7 1/2" X 5" W.; The German Army by Matthew Cooper, Pub, Stein & Day, N.Y, 1978, H. 9 1/2" X 6 1/2" W. X 2" Thk.; Samlade Vitterhets-arbeten af C.V.A. Strandberg, Pub. C.E. Fritzes Bokhandel, Stockholm, 1878, H. 8 1/2"; Gilder Jackson Estate, Grosse Pointe. Mich. (rev.20070316)

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