FRENCH ENGRAVINGS, SET OF FOUR, C. 1870, 8" X 6":Including: one image entitled "The Beautiful Star" of a woman seated on a throne in the sky above sleeping soldiers; one image entitled "A Planet and Her Satellites" of a figure of a woman with cherub like figures surrounding her in the sky above a group of four men and one woman; on image of "The Fixed Star" having a figure of a woman, looking through a telescope, or monocle, set within a geometric frame in the sky; and "The Shooting Star" consisting of a boy and a girl sitting on a hill looking at the sky with the figure of a woman in the form of a shooting star. Each are framed and matted with the French titles below the image. Each piece also has "The print by Grandville here framed is an old and original Engraving and was published circa 1870. It is hand colored in the old style. It should be carefully preserved and valued as an original print. Paul B. Victorius Charlottesville, Virginia" on the reverse with the French title and English translation hand written and adhered to the reverse.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries