WARREN G. HARDING, J. Q. ADAMS, T. DEWEY, C. COOLIDGE, ROOSEVELT SIGNATURES 14 ITEMS:From the collection of Lewis Capen. Including one signed photographic print of John F. Kennedy (5" x 6 1/2"), one signature of Warren G. Harding (29th President), one signature of John Quincy Adams, one signature of Phil Sheridan, one signature of Thomas Dewey (on "State of New York Executive Mansion Albany" stationary), one signature of Calvin Coolidge (on stationary from the White House), one signature of William J. Bryan, one signature of William H. Taft, one letter to Lewis Capen signed by Herbert Hoover (on White House stationary with envelope), one letter to Lewis Capen signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt (one White House stationary with envelope), one signature by Henry Clay, one signature by Daniel Webster, one signature by Hannibal Hamlim (VP under Abraham Lincoln), and one signature by Capt. Ralph "Cappy Ricks" E. Peasley.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries