GEORGE CATLIN, 'THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS' BOOKS, 1913, TWO VOLUMES WITH 320 COLOR PLATES:Size H. 10 1/4" x 7" (or 26 mm x 18 mm). Hard Bound Books. North American Indians' Letters and Notes on their Manners, Customs, and Conditions, Written During Eight Years Travel Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America, 1832 - 1839. Written by George Catlin. In Two Volumes - VOL. 1 and VOL 2 . With three hundred and twenty illustrations, carefully engraved from the author's original paintings. Published by Leary, Stuart and Company, Philadelphia, 1913. Printed by Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Includes Letters, Notes and maps. Gilt leaf edge at top. Embossed Cover Design showing Native American Indians. Gold gilt paper edges, Black and Red color book cover. (rev.20080814)

Dumouchelle Art Galleries