GERMAN, ENGLISH & CANADIAN MILITARY BAYONETS, WWI & WWII +1 VICTORIAN, 12 PCS. , L 10" - 27";includes five English Enfield #4, Mk II rod bayonets, 8" blades, four with scabbards; one German, Simson & Co. Shul #25414 Mauser bayonet with leather scabbard with matching serial number and bayonet frog, 21" blade; one European long stiletto bayonet blade, 17" L inserts into muzzle area and has no handle by design; one Canadian bayonet with leather scabbard, stamped "Ross Rifle Co. Quebec Patented 1907" on end plate of 10" blade, "K107" stamped into wood handle; one European bayonet stamped "EFD, F5E X on base of blade on one side and II '97" on other side, "16 E" of top flat of blade, 12" L. ; one possibly British bayonet with crown & anchor mark with superimposed "E" and "EJ AB" at base of 13" blade; one small three edged European trench bayonet having 8" blade and mounts directly to muzzle and does not require a handle, includes leather scabbard with belt loop; one English Martini-Enfield c1895 socket bayonet with leather and brass scabbard, three edged, 22" blade, having crown mark with "WD" and vert arrow stamped on blade and brass collar of scabbard, "/89" date stamped on blade;

Dumouchelle Art Galleries