FARRAH FAWCETT TRANSPARENCIES, WINDOW POSTERS & FLOOR DISPLAY, APPROX. 48 PCS, 1977:complete collection of original photo transparencies, posters and floor display materials of Farrah Fawcett; photographed during a photo session for the Lincoln Mercury "Year Of The Cat", national dealer promotion done in 1977; includes 35 (21 of Farrah, 14 of Christopher the cougar) original film transparencies (in 3-ring binder), used for the development of the accompanying items; 5 pre-production uncirculated and un-retouched super sized, 76" H. x 50" W. silkscreened portraits of Farrah Fawcett, used as dealer window display posters; the tri-fold brochure targeted for possible Mercury Cougar customers; a life size floor display of Fawcett with a cougar at her feet, 69" H x 22" W, two pieces of photo mock-up board art of the floor display; the signed off (initialed by Fawcett) mounted color prints (3) and 1 duo tone approving the shots used in the promotion.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries