JAPANESE POTTERY RICE BOWLS, SAUCE BOWLS, CUPS, BOWLS & PLATES, LATE 19TH CENTURY, 35 PIECES, H 1"-2:Including five rice bowls (H 2", DIA 4 3/4"); six sauce bowls (H 1", DIA 4 3/4"); seven cups (H 2 3/4", DIA 3 1.2") ; eight bowls (H 1 1/2", DIA 6"); and nine plates (H 2", DIA 9 3/4"). All include various numbers if vignettes that depict interior scenes with figures, landscapes, flowers and birds. Each is hand painted in shades of red/brown, gold, black, gray, and yellow on a white ground with exteriors having white ground with fans and flags/banners. Maker's mark/ Japanese lettering found on each piece (check larger bowls for maker's mark).

Dumouchelle Art Galleries