LENOX 'TUXEDO' PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE FOR TWELVE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, 85 PIECES:Retailed by L. B. King & Co. of Detroit, including 12 dinner plates, Dia.9 7/8", 12 luncheon plates, Dia.9", 12 salad/dessert plates, Dia.7", 12 bread-and-butter plates, Dia.6", 12 tea cups and 12 saucers, as well as 8 cream soup bowls, 1 gravy boat on attached stand, L.8 1/2", 2 compotes, H.2 3/4", Dia.6 3/4", 1 sauce bowl, H.3", Dia.5", with 1 separate stand, Dia.6 1/4"; each piece stamped with green "L" enclosed in a wreath with "Lenox" below, "L.B. King & Company, Detroit, Michigan", and various gold numbers including J 33.

Dumouchelle Art Galleries