EUROPEAN COLLECTION OF 20TH C. COINAGE, WWI & WWII, GRADE G 4 - MS 60,, 1875 - 1945, 93:EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL COINAGE: BRITISH COINS; Geo V, silver half Crown, 1923, VF 20, (1); Geo VI, silver half Crown, 1945, MS - 60, (1); French, English, Italian, German, Poland, Russian. Condition - Report; From poor to near uncirculated condition. Grade G 4 - MS 60. Also included (1) Religious silver medal and (1) Aluminum medal. Both dated. France: 1921-44,(16); Britain: 1926-1943, (7); Italy: (2), Germany: Aluminum, 1920 (1), 1935 (5), 1940 (2), 1943 (2); Pewter, 1917 (1), 1919 (1), 1921 (1), 1940 (3), 1941 (1), 1942 (3), 1943 (1), 1944 (1), and (1) no date. Brass, 1924 (2), 1925 (2), 1936 (1), 1937 (2); Silver, 1875 Grade G-6, (date readable), (1), 1889 (1), 1893 (1), 1910, (1), 1912 (1), 1915 (1), 1924 (1), 1933 (1), 1935 (1), 1937 (1); Russian: 1939 (1); Canadian: One Cent 1943 (1), copper King George VI; and (1) Five cent 1943 Brass coin, King George VI. Misc. Etal, Etc. (rev.20080112)

Dumouchelle Art Galleries