BOOKS: MARK TWAIN, DR. WILHELM SCHOTT, ETC.., 14 ITEMS:Including 2 copies of "Verzeichnifs der Chinesischen und Mandschu-Tungusischen Bucher und Handschriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin" by Dr. Wilhelm Schott, published in Berlin, 1840; 6 volumes of "English Comedy: A Collection of the Most Celebrated Dramas, since the Commencement of the Reformation of the Sage" by Sir Richard Steele and Colley Cibber, published in London, 1810: 1 "The Works of Mencius" translated by James Legge; 1 "Decouverte des Americains" by Rene Puaux, published in Paris, 1930; 1 "The Innocents Abroad, and The New Pilgrims' Progress: From the New World to the Old" by Mark Twain, published by Ward, Lock, & Bowden, Limited, in London; 1 folio size "An Academy for Grown Horsemen; Containing the Completest instructions for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling, and Tumbling" by Geoffrey Gambado, Esq., published in London, 1808; 1 "Onvphrii Panvinii Veronensis...cum notis Ioannis Argoli I.V.D. et Additamento Nicolai Pinelli I.C. Adiectis hac nouifsima editione Eruditifsimi Viri Ioachimi Ioannis Maderi", 1681 and 1 photo albumn.

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